Davie Hurricane Relief.org
A private effort to enhance communications before and after hurricanes and other emergency events
Food Donations Needed Today For Davie's Displaced Residents and Gulf
Survivors Arriving In Our Town
Where to donate:
COMMUNITY FOOD PANTRIES NEED OUR HELP!! Donations of Non-perishable foods and baby supplies are needed to help our outreach agencies such as HOPE Outreach and EASE Foundation. Most requested items are CANNED MEATS e.g., Spam, spaghetti, beef stew, canned tuna or chicken. Also needed are peanut butter and jelly, canned fruits, and drinks; CEREAL; PEANUT BUTTER; READY TO EAT MEALS. All donations will be gratefully accepted!!! Gift Certificates to Publix, Wal-Mart, K-Mart will also help Davie residents replace personal items they have lost.
Hope Outreach Center
Donations are being accepted at the Hope Outreach Center at
4700 SW 64 Avenue, Suite A.
To contact the center, call (954) 321-0909
or please donate to the
E.A.S.E. Foundation, Inc.
6901 Orange Drive,Davie, FL 33314. Call (954) 797-1077
Checks should be made payable to E.A.S.E. Foundation, Inc.