Davie Hurricane Relief.org
A private effort to enhance communications before and after hurricanes and other emergency events DavieHurricaneRelief.org Goals To provide a central communications point to share hurricane preparation information for residents, relief organizations and Town Officials prior to approaching hurricanes, with printable data bases for each user to create in advance of threatening weather. To provide data on neighborhood needs, community by community, targeted to assist Town of Davie residents in finding out what others need in order to recover in the aftermath of a hurricane event. To provide information on hurricane preparedness and programs. To provide web site links on hurricane relief efforts. To provide relevant news updates to help readers understand pre and post hurricane news developments. To assist in specific relief efforts focused on the Town of Davie and other affected areas impacted by hurricanes. To assist in conveying specific needs, in a confidential manner, of affected and displaced residents to relief organizations and local officials who can provide post disaster relief programs. To express ideas and comments on hurricane preparation and relief issues facing the community and stimulate an on-going dialogue on important hurricane challenges. To provide a grass roots means of communication which supplements, but does not in any way replace, the role of government and charitable relief officials before and after hurricanes. To promote enhanced and accelerated hurricane mitigation research funding for serious scientific studies. This web site is not an official governmental media outlet, but is privately offered as a public service. Send questions about DavieHurricaneRelief.org to mac0202@bellsouth.net. |