Davie Hurricane Relief.org 

A private effort to enhance communications before and after hurricanes and other emergency events

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Davie Planning Local Relief Talent Show

Council Member Susan Starkey announced at the Town Council meeting on Wednesday, October 5, that the Town of Davie is planning a talent show for hurricane relief.  Efforts are underway to hold the event at Bailey Concert Hall, on the central campus of Broward Community College in downtown Davie.  The goal is to raise $50,000 for the Davie Hurricane Relief Fund, which was recently established by the Town Council.  Funds would be used to help Davie residents in the aftermath of hurricanes, as well as other relief efforts.

Talent is needed.  That means musical talent...singers, instruments.  It means acting.  Dancing.  The benefit would be focused on all ages, with all different musical tastes. 

If you are interested in performing, or know talented individuals or groups that are willing to perform, please contact us at:


We also need individuals who are willing to work on this show, and assist in organizational efforts.  This event will be exciting, and for a great purpose.  Please get involved and watch this space for more details.

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