Davie Hurricane Relief.org
A private effort to enhance communications before and after hurricanes and other emergency events
UPDATE: 10.29.05- City of Sunrise utility workers are visiting Town of Davie lift stations with mobile generators to resolve sewage problems.
Instructions: Click satellite view of the Town of Davie below for 10.28.05 video of sewage and lift station problems in the Town of Davie. Note: This video requires a Windows Media Player on your computer. Please turn your speakers on to hear the audio. This short presentation is only available in broadband or DSL mode. Please allow time to load. This video may not be re-broadcast by any other media or web outlet or for any personal use not consistent with the goals of this web site. For more information on this site, please click the "Why This Site Exists/Goals" buttons above or below.
The purpose of this video is to provide emergency assistance to individuals severely impacted by Wilma and to make the need known to the general public, governmental authorities and relief organizations. There is no charge for this public service.
If you, a neighbor, relative or friend have Hurricane Wilma related circumstances which merit a video on this web site, please let us know. E-mail your name, telephone number and an e-mail address where you can be reached to mac0202@bellsouth.net. This site does not guaranty every request will be the subject of a presentation. Only individuals who have expressly asked for broadcast of this video will be featured if selected. Selections are based upon urgency of need. DavieHurricaneRelief.org reserves the right to withdraw the video at its discretion. There is no fee or charge for this public service.
Satellite view of the Town of Davie, just west of Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, Florida